

Devon County Short Mat Bowls Association Constitution




1.1.1 The title shall be the Devon County Short Mat Bowling Association, hereinafter referred to as "the Association".

1.2 Objects

1.2.1 To promote, foster and administer the game of short mat bowls played under English Short Mat Bowls Association (ESMBA) rules and laws.

1.2.2 To organise Devon County Championship and other competitions.

1.2.3. To arrange inter-county and other representative matches.

1.2.4 To interpret, as required, questions relating to ESMBA rules, laws and practice and give rulings on such matters.

1.2.5 To act at all times in the best interests of the game, the affiliated clubs and the individual members of the association.

1.3 Affiliation and Membership

1.3.1 The Association shall be affiliated to the ESMBA.

1.3.2 Affiliation to the Association shall be open to all Short Mat Bowling Clubs situated in the county of Devon provided that they satisfy the requirements specified in this constitution and rules and whose mats and other playing equipment conform to the specifications laid down by the ESMBA. Any club wishing to apply for affiliation must do so in writing to the secretary of the Association.

1.3.3 The Association shall maintain a record of all affiliated clubs together with the names and addresses of their secretaries and a copy of their Club Constitution. A record shall also be maintained of the total number of registered members in each club, by Name and Christian name, as at 31st May each year. Club secretaries shall update this record throughout the year as new members join. (Amended 2010 AGM)

1.3.4 Members of the Association may join more than one club but shall register with the County through one club only. Relevant club secretaries must be notified of each individual's registration arrangements. All registered members shall be eligible to enter County/National or League events.

1.3.5 The Association may elect Honorary or Life members in recognition of special services to the game.


2.1 Each affiliated club shall pay a joining fee to the Association which will become due immediately affiliation acceptance is given by the Association.

2.2 An annual subscription to the Association shall be payable by each affiliated club in respect of each of its registered players. The subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall normally incorporate such sums as are expected to be needed to cover ESMBA registration fees and subscriptions and any insurance.

2.3 Annual subscriptions shall be payable to the Association by the end of September each year. Failure to pay by the due date shall mean suspension of the rights and privileges of affiliated membership. (Amended 2022)

2.4 The Association shall pay all required ESMBA registration fees and subscriptions, excepting any competition entrance fees, on behalf of affiliated clubs and their registered players.


3.1 The financial year of the Association shall be from 1st January to 31st December each year.

3.2 All moneys collected shall be passed to the treasurer (or deputed committee member) for depositing in a bank account in the name of the Association. The Treasurer is however, authorised to make small cash payments up to a limit of £100.

3.3 Cheques drawn on the Association account shall be signed by two committee officers, one of whom must be either the Treasurer or the Chairman.


N.B. For the purpose only of the committee representation the County will be assumed to have three or four areas, each containing an approximately equal number of clubs. These areas or the number of them may be redefined from time to time, a matter which will be subject to the approval of an Annual General Meeting.

4.1 The administration of the Association shall be undertaken by a management committee ("The Committee") comprising the Officers, Registration Secretary, Safeguarding Officer, County Team Co-ordinator, A Team Manager one representative for each geographical area and additional members as agreed at each Annual General Meeting but no more than two (Amended at A.G.M. 21.04.2012).(Amended 2022)(Amended 2024)

4.2.1 The officers of the Association shall be honorary appointments made annually, and they shall be: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Competition Secretary. A minute or assistant secretary may be elected at the AGM to record the minutes of General and committee meetings and to assist the secretary as required. The minute secretary shall be a member of the committee but shall not be an officer. (Amended 2022)

4.2.2 Nominations for the post of County Team Co-ordinator shall be invited from the total County membership. Ballot papers will then be sent by post or given in person to all members of the previous season's Premier and "A" teams who have played three games or more for either team. Completed ballot papers to be returned to the County Secretary by a specifed date. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be elected for a period of three years. The co-ordinator shall be a member of the committee but shall not be an officer. (Amended AGM 2009)

4.2.3 Nominations for the post of "A" Team Manager shall be invited from the total County member-ship. Ballot papers will then be sent by post to all members of the previous season"s Premier and "A" Teams who have played three games or more for either team. Completed ballot papers to be returned to the County Secretary by a specified date. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be elected for a period of three years.The "A" Team Manager shall be a member of the committee but shall not be an officer. (added at AGM 2008)

4.3 The committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy occurring during the year and a co-opted person shall have equal voting rights to elected members of the committee.

4.4 A quorum shall comprise five elected committee members, including at least three officers.

4.5 Any officer or member of the committee may seek re-election.

4.6 Each officer and member of the Committee shall have one vote except the chairman who shall have a second or casting vote, if required.

4.7 The Committee shall meet not less than three times annually, excluding general meetings, or more often at their discretion if the business of the Association requires it.

4.8 The committee shall have the power to suspend or cancel the membership of any individual member, or club, found to be in breach of these rules, or because of action considered by the committee likely to bring the game into disrepute. Any appeal against this decision will be considered in line with the guidance given in the ESMBA Disciplinary Procedure. (Amended 2022)

4.9 The committee may nominate and recommend for the approval of the Annual General Meeting, any person to serve as President, or as a Vice-President, of the Association.

4.9.1 This appointment shall be for a maximum period of two years.

4.10 Clubs wishing to hold open tournaments shall notify the Association giving full particulars of the proposed event.

4.11 The committee shall have the power to appoint sub committees to deal with specific matters.

4.11.1 Such sub committees shall be chaired by an elected member of the committee and may include co-opted members of the association or non members who have , in the opinion of the committee, particular knowledge or skills appropriate to the matter concerned.

4.11.2 The committee shall define the terms of reference of any sub committee and determine when its work is complete.

4.11.3 Sub committee members who are not members of the committee may attend committee meetings at the invitation of the Chairman and may be invited to speak on the assigned matter but shall have no voting rights on the committee.


5.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held not later than the 30th April each year.

5.2 The business of the A.G.M.shall include:-

a) Presentation of Reports by the Chairman, The Secretary, the Treasurer and the Competitions Secretary.

b) Presentation of Accounts for the previous financial year.

c) Election of Officers and members (Area Representatives).

d) Determination of annual subscriptions and other fees for the following year.

e) Consideration of any notice, rule change or amendments to the Constitution.

f) Appointment of Accountants for the financial examination of the accounts. (Amended at AGM 2010) (Amended 2024)

5.3 Not less than 21 days written notice of an Annual General Meeting shall be given by the committee, accompanied by an Agenda. Notice of any motion, or Proposed change to the constitution and rules shall also be given. A copy of the audited accounts shall be available for inspection at the AGM.

5.4 Individual members and affiliated clubs must provide to the Secretary of the Association notice of any motion, or constitution change for which they seek approval, by 31st December.

5.5 Nominations for the post of officer or members of the committee must be forwarded to the Secretary of the Association at least ten days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Where no valid nominations have been received for a post, nominations may be sought from the floor of the meeting. In this case the nominee must either be present at the meet-ing and indicate to the Chairman his/her willingness to stand prior to a vote being taken, or have indicated such willingness in writing to the secretary of the association at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

5.6 General Meetings will be open to any person wishing to attend but only two representatives from each affiliated club shall have voting rights. A simple majority rule shall apply to all business requiring voting sanction. Proxy voting shall not be allowed and only votes cast at the meeting shall count. Where there is more than one candidate standing for a committee position , a secret ballot shall be taken. The Chairman shall have any required casting vote.

5.7 Special General Meetings may be called by the committee, or on the request of at least one third of the affiliated clubs.The notice calling such a meeting shall specify the purpose of the meeting and NO OTHER BUSINESS shall be transacted at the meeting. Only clubs' representatives shall be entitled to vote at such a meeting and the Chairman shall have any required casting vote.


6.1 The committee shall be the sole interpreters of these rules and their decision on matters concerning them shall be final and binding. The committee shall administer a separate set of rules and conditions of play to allow for the smooth running of all competitions.

6.2 The committee's decision on all disputes referred to the Association for settlement shall be final.


7.1 The committee shall be empowered to adjudicate on any dispute with regard to the consti-tution and rules of the Association. The committee may also, should it see fit, arbitrate on any matter relating to the sport where all the parties concerned are willing to accept the outcome of such arbitration.

7.2 The subject of any appeal must be given in writing to the secretary of the Association who will call a meeting of the Committee for the consideration of the matter. Appeals will be considered in line with guidance given in the ESMBA Disciplinary Procedure. (Amended 2022)

7.3 The committee may delegate the investigation to a sub committee if it sees fit. In such cir-cumstances the sub committee shall report its findings to the committee for ratification. The committee shall report its findings to the committee for ratification the committee may call upon such parties as are deemed necessary to assist the consideration of the matter.

8. Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Protection

The County shall:

• Demonstrate their "duty of care"

• Adhere to the principles of protecting children and/or vulnerable adults

• Ensure that its officers are all aware of the County's stance on Child Protection issues

• Ensure that the County Adopts the Bowls England/ESMBA guidelines and policy on Child Protection

• Ensure that all Clubs are aware of their responsibility to have those members working or having contact with children and/or vulnerable adults on a "regular" basis (e.g. once a week) are DBS cleared through the approved bowls route.

• the County Safeguarding Officer should be notified of the Club having persons requiring care. (Added AGM 2010) (Amended 2022)